MODULE 1 - Course curriculum

Market Introduction for Vendor Applicants

    1. Welcome to G.R.o.W. Farmers’ Market Training Module - UNIT 1: About G.R.o.W.

    2. UNIT 1 - GLOSSARY

    3. UNIT 1 - QUIZ

    1. UNIT 2 at the G.R.o.W. Farmers’ Market is where the action truly begins!

    2. UNIT 2 - GLOSSARY

    3. UNIT 2 - QUIZ

    1. Welcome to UNIT 3 of the Ready, Set, G.R.o.W. series!

    2. UNIT 3 - GLOSSARY

    3. UNIT 3 - QUIZ

    1. Welcome to Unit 4: SET - Setting the Stage for Success!

    2. UNIT 4 - GLOSSARY

    3. UNIT 4 - QUIZ

    1. Welcome to Unit 5: SET - Setting the Stage for Success!

    2. UNIT 5 - GLOSSARY

    3. UNIT 5 - QUIZ

    1. Congratulations - and welcome to the G.R.o.W. Market Family!

About this G.R.o.W. course

  • Free
  • 16 lessons

Join us to G.R.o.W. your market success!